Friday, 11 May 2012


Red Run Rough Cut 4 Feedback

The feedback we received from this rough cut are as follows:

  • The lighting was bad on a few shots where- to fix this we plan to re shoot this and try change the lighting to how we want it.
  • Background noise on a few shots- this is simple to change as it just means editing the sound of our red run project file.
  • Shake in the corner- to fix this just trim the shake out on sony vegas.
  • Bad acting after the false scare- We can try make this better by filming it again so we know what were doing a lot more and also less nervous.
  • False scare- This was terrible and we plan to fix this by re filming it and possibly change the false scare idea all together from the one we have now.
  • Soundtrack was too bassy- Plan to fix this by either making a new soundtrack for this part all together or lowering the sound levels of the sound track.
  • Needs a fade out at the end- Very easy to do, just add a fade out in the editing software.
  • Sound effects needed- We're going to add a scream at the end when the girl opens the door.

Red Run Rough Cut 4

Heres our rough cut 4. As you can see we have changed a lot, we have introduced a female character, dialogue, a method of the doll coming into the house. As well as a false scare. We also created and added background soundtracks and credits.