Thursday, 26 April 2012

Evaluation Question 4 - Who Would Be The Audience For Your Media Product?

I feel that our target audience should be around 15-24 (BFCC) years of age. Our film matches such criteria of a 15 film after doing some research, our film includes sex references, violence and gore, But not as extreme enough to move it onto 18 film which would also change our target audience in a way.
The "guideline" for a 18 film is as follows,

• where the material is in breach of the criminal law, 
or has been created through the commission of a 
criminal offence 
• where material or treatment appears to the BBFC to 
risk harm to individuals or, through their behavior, 
to society – for example, any detailed portrayal of 
violent or dangerous acts, or of illegal drug use, 
which may cause harm to public health or morals. 
This may include portrayals of sexual or sexualised 
violence which might, for example, eroticise or 
endorse sexual assault 
• where there are more explicit images of sexual 
activity which cannot be justified by context. Such 
images may be appropriate in ‘R18’ works, and in 
‘sex works’ (see below) would normally be confined 
to that category. 

This would also be the same with a 15, but less extreme and smaller references.
Therefore I think our film should be rated a 15.
I have also chosen the target audience to be from 15-24 because the actors played are 17, this can then relate to the audience, adding to the thrill/scare effect, a teen is also more likely to want to watch teens in a thriller than adults, being a teen myself. We also chose this target as it's a well known fact that horror/slasher films are more popular with the teenage audience. Although adults may want to watch this as it has intertextuality with Childs Play therefore fans of this franchise may be intrigued to view our film. But older adults will not tend to watch these kind of films, being as its a horror with a what you could say childish story, having a doll as the killer, older adults are also more into more serious or fictional films. With our film being a similar story to Child’s Play, we can relate our audience to theirs and I know that Red Run will gain a big audience as Child’s Play (1988) grossed $6,583,000 in its opening weekend on 1377 screens and $44,196,684 (Worldwide).

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