Sunday, 29 April 2012

Evaluation Question 6 - What Have You Learnt About The Technologies From The Process Of Constructing This Product?

As a individual i learned a lot about the processes of making a film, such as how'd they come up with a storyline and put it on screen as well as filming techniques, shot variations, location and appearance etc, all vital and represent characteristics in a film. For example the shot variations; a Low angle shot will tend to be used to make the character in centre frame powerful and in control and the opposite for Low angle shots, a dutch angle (tilted frame) is also used to signify thats something isn't quite right, they are in danger and something may happen to them. I am also going to use the location and appearance as another example, the location being vital as it needs to be known global if you want it to appeal to a world wide audience such as the US, therefore it will need to be in the countryside, southern england, London or have a Castle/Mansion as this is what the global audience think of England. Wherever we are not trying to appeal to a global audience so ours is set in Northern England, West Yorkshire in a average semi-detached house. We are appealing to a UK indie audience so they know how England  actually is, they would see the location used in "Red Run" as a typical average home which also has the ability to place them in their shoes as this event could happen to anyone and add to the scare effect. The appearance is important because it adresses specific audiences / times or genres. Ours being a average appearance of a male and female teen. 
Ellie; The "Scream Queen" Character in "Red Run"
Dillon; The "Jock" character in "Red Run"

The female teen in this film would be thought of as a Scream Queen because she is Blonde and shares other characteristics of a typical Scream Queen, and we used her for these reasons.
The male teen, is thought to be a Jock in a slasher film, very much like the scream queen, however they are sporty, often have a unique appearance in american slasher films and tend to be sexually active. Dillon's cap and sweater emphasise these points.

Now for what i have learnt about the technicality side of producing our product. First off iMovie, Final Cut and Garage band. Before i took this course i had no experience at all with these programmes but now however i am able to use them happily with little guidance and i have done throughout the process of making "Red Run". We used Garage band for the soundtrack for Red Run, and i was pleased with the result. For the editing however was done on Sony Vegas 10 as i am very familiar with the software and by doing this we also had more editing time as if we were to edit on the school computers it would have to be at lunch times and in free's. I have also learnt a lot making mine and the company ident, these were both on Cinema 4D and After Effects, i had also used these programmes many times before but i learnt a lot watching tutorials and making these final idents.

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